понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

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Nothing particularly new and exciting today (had pbj for lunch... I could post a recipe, if youapos;re interested lol) but I realized I never posted results of ginger ale

It turned out.... Alright. It was fizzy and sweet, so Iapos;ll consider it a success... It was really gingery though... Which wasnapos;t bad, but just different. Also, if you make it, do strain it out... Otherwise you have all kinds of bits of ginger and rubbish in your mouth with each drink, and itapos;s really rather unpleasant...

Iapos;ve read other recipes that are essentially the same, but you just change the flavoring; i.e. Instead of ginger sub vanilla extract (for cream soda) or root beer extract (gotta find me some of that; i didnapos;t know such a thing existed)

Iapos;m mainly just excited that I could carbonate something.

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воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

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I am at starbucks now.��at simei.�all�alone :( Trying to do pw. Drinking my second cup of mocha hehe
Cant wait for 6pm�:]

I decided to ignore certains things or rahter, give some things a conclusion of my own. It has made me a much happier person and I am going to stick to these conclusions. Tried not to think too much lately as well. Anyway I am addicted to the thingy online. So whenever i want to take my mind of stuff I would just go and watch. While watching even though some stuff makes me think, i dont. Haha

ITS RAINING YAY I love the rain haha I wish i could run out now and play in the rain. I wish i could see a rainbow now

I am really thankful for all the wonderful people i have met in my life. People who have shaped me, helped me grow, believed in me, loved me, encouraged me, motivated me, listened to me and never let me feel lonely. Thank you I love every single one of you :]

My mind, as usual is doing random thinking so i guess this post is going to be random..haha

Lately i have a really huge urge to do something that i have always wanted to do since primary school. The only reason�why�i havent done it is because the image it gives is not what it is supposed to be and i donapos;t want to do something like that. I guess who can be somethign that you want to be even without achieving the image of it. Haha.. Alrite i have lost myself.


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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

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I have a love/hate relationship with Christianity.

Sometimes, I want to believe all of the things I was taught as a child. I find myself drawn back to all of that. My problem is, my brain seems to resist anything that involves rules, regulations, or required beliefs.

I see the value of Jesus Christ, and his teachings, and even some of the stories (myths?) about his life. But I donapos;t think Iapos;ll ever fit into any kind of Church structure.

Iapos;m something of a Gnostic, in that I believe you have to experience the truth, not just accept it in an intellectual manner.

The issue I struggle with is, how do I bring about that experience? How can I quiet my mind enough to hear/feel what I would call "God"?

Iapos;m not sure I believe in a personal God. Iapos;d like to.�Itapos;d be nice to believe that thereapos;s someone apos;up thereapos; hearing all of�my prayers. But I just donapos;t know about that.

I believe some force, or energy, is immanent�in all creation.�I feel it most specifically in the natural world. Thatapos;s all Iapos;ve ever been able to decide on.

The journey continues.

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Itapos;s been raining allllll day. Which is a good thing. Georgiaapos;s been in a drought for like 7 or 8 years now...something like that. When itapos;s raining I�always like listening to Motion City Soundtrack for some reason.

Anyways, me and Justin are about to take our girlfriends out to eat at Italian Oven. Im excited about that. I�Lovvvve the food there. So so good.�Right now my dad has a friend of his over that is an attorney. My parents are buying some land a little south of where we live now and are gonna build a house on it in about 5 or 6 years. I think its funny when he always beats around the bush and starts bragging to his friends about our music and his sons "rock band":...then he wants to act like a hardass when its just us. Haha.

And again, if you havent bought that Anberlin cd, go grab it. Itapos;s super tight. Still sounds like Anberlin, but the songs have their differences. Itapos;s very well rounded.

Iapos;m off to work on the new studio video that weapos;ll be posting on Monday. Itapos;ll feature footage of the drum tracking day. :) And also, just since you are kind enough to look this far into our band...Iapos;ll go ahead and tell you that in one of the upcoming videos we will have some clips of the new stuff.�<3


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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

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I am in love.
With a building.
Is this possible? Yes, I think it is. Today my dad took me around the U of M campus (just the East Bank, we didnapos;t have time to visit the West) and it was quite incredible. Iapos;m definately going to apply there...if you havenapos;t walked through Dinkytown (and seen Alapos;s Breakfast--no, I am not joking) then you havenapos;t lived.
But the building in question is the Walter Library. Itapos;s absolutely amazing. It isnapos;t HUGE, but it is so, so, so, soooooooo beautiful. The architecture is very lovely. Lots of marble, and fancy ceiling work. If I went to the U I would probably study there, like, all the time. Iapos;d live there if theyapos;d let me. There was one section of the library that was dead silent, with a big sign in the doorway that said NO CONVERSATION all in caps. It was kind of funny. If thatapos;s not a SERIOUS STUDY atmosphere, then I donapos;t know what is.
I was sorely tempted to buy a Gophers beer mug, but I resisted.
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K so i have a xanga....in which i loveee but that has like so many depressing things on it and i kind of want this journal to be more happier. And plus i have so many amazing people on xanga and i cant leave them. So yeahhhhhh. Lalala idk what to say haha. Im pretty excited, anxious, nervous for tomorrow night. But it should all be okay. Hm hopefully this journal doesnt turn into a sad and depressing one. Hmmm but if it does idk..i guess thats okay? but like no one knows me on here and doesnt really know anything about me. So this is wierd to start from scratch....my xanga i had for like uhhh three years. So yeah.

la de da..

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