воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

amazing women

I am at starbucks now.��at simei.�all�alone :( Trying to do pw. Drinking my second cup of mocha hehe
Cant wait for 6pm�:]

I decided to ignore certains things or rahter, give some things a conclusion of my own. It has made me a much happier person and I am going to stick to these conclusions. Tried not to think too much lately as well. Anyway I am addicted to the thingy online. So whenever i want to take my mind of stuff I would just go and watch. While watching even though some stuff makes me think, i dont. Haha

ITS RAINING YAY I love the rain haha I wish i could run out now and play in the rain. I wish i could see a rainbow now

I am really thankful for all the wonderful people i have met in my life. People who have shaped me, helped me grow, believed in me, loved me, encouraged me, motivated me, listened to me and never let me feel lonely. Thank you I love every single one of you :]

My mind, as usual is doing random thinking so i guess this post is going to be random..haha

Lately i have a really huge urge to do something that i have always wanted to do since primary school. The only reason�why�i havent done it is because the image it gives is not what it is supposed to be and i donapos;t want to do something like that. I guess who can be somethign that you want to be even without achieving the image of it. Haha.. Alrite i have lost myself.


eve 6 lyrics promise, amazing women, amazing women athletes, amazing women campaign, amazing women in history.

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