суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

dayton local news ohio

I have a love/hate relationship with Christianity.

Sometimes, I want to believe all of the things I was taught as a child. I find myself drawn back to all of that. My problem is, my brain seems to resist anything that involves rules, regulations, or required beliefs.

I see the value of Jesus Christ, and his teachings, and even some of the stories (myths?) about his life. But I donapos;t think Iapos;ll ever fit into any kind of Church structure.

Iapos;m something of a Gnostic, in that I believe you have to experience the truth, not just accept it in an intellectual manner.

The issue I struggle with is, how do I bring about that experience? How can I quiet my mind enough to hear/feel what I would call "God"?

Iapos;m not sure I believe in a personal God. Iapos;d like to.�Itapos;d be nice to believe that thereapos;s someone apos;up thereapos; hearing all of�my prayers. But I just donapos;t know about that.

I believe some force, or energy, is immanent�in all creation.�I feel it most specifically in the natural world. Thatapos;s all Iapos;ve ever been able to decide on.

The journey continues.

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